By ben
February 12, 2019
While cooped up inside during winter months in the Midwest, the quality of air you breathe can be an important factor for comfortable living, and the proper air cleaners can guarantee you sleep soundly. Metzger’s Heating and Cooling carries the air quality products that can best improve the air in your home and make sure you breathe easy all winter long.Learn your MERVWhen thinking about what air filters to get to keep your air as clean as possible, it’s important to consider the MERV rating of the filter. Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) is the rating used for air filter companies to show you, the consumer, the overall effectiveness of the filter you’re purchasing. A higher MERV value means that less particles and contaminants can get into your air, leading to a cleaner environment and easy breathing. Metzger’s Heating and Cooling offers air cleaners that range from MERV 10 to MERV 15, so you can get the best mid-range filter for your home, or a higher-end filter for your business.Why HEPAMetzger’s Heating and Cooling uses High-Efficiency Particulate Arresting (HEPA) air purifying filters to give you the cleanest air for your home or business. HEPA filters use a fine mesh that can keep all irritants out of the air and help you sleep soundly all winter long. Especially useful for those with pets dealing with dander, HEPA filters can take it out of the air, as well as pollen, dust mites, and more. If anyone in your home suffers through winter with asthma or allergies, you can improve their quality of life this winter with proper air cleaners.Always available and ready to help, Metzger’s Heating and Cooling can provide you with the proper furnaces, filters, and more to keep you warm this winter. To get us out and take a look at your air units as soon as possible, contact us today!